treat yourself...


Location & Comfort

Think about the conditions and locations we are going to be shooting in and plan around it.

Make sure what you are wearing makes sense for where we are. If we are going to be hiking around the mountains, bring shoes that you can walk around in and maybe even layers and boots.

If it’s going to be hot, bring clothes that can breathe more so you don’t have sweaty pit stains in the photos. Be as comfortable as you can be!

Color Do's

I recommend you lean towards neutrals, earthy tones, and metallics.

This doesn't mean that you're just limited to creams, browns, and grays. There are neutrals to every single color! Instead of green, go for a soft forest green. Instead of red, go with a deep maroon. Instead of yellow, choose a mustard yellow.

Think about your session location. What colors can you see in the backdrop there? Wear neutral colors within those same tones. That way you'll fit perfectly with your surroundings.

Color Do Not's

Complimentary = GOOD
Matching = BAD

Gone are the days of blue jeans and matching white polos. You only want to wear complimentary colors with each other, don't match one another's outfits perfectly.

Complimentary means the variety of colors, textures, accessories, patterns, and tones all coordinate together while there is still separation from each other.


Avoid big, loud, crazy patterns. The smaller and more subtle, the better! If the pattern is too loud, it will distract from your faces.

Flannels and floral patterns are okay, but use them sparingly. And in very neutral tones. I usually try to avoid pairing too many patterns together because, as I'm sure you can guess, it makes the photos feel hectic and distracting.


Accessories are always encouraged and can be such a fun element to add.

Hats, cool sunglasses, fun scarves, and jewelry can add more interest to your outfits. Plus, as in the case with items such as hats and sunglasses, they also give you something extra to do with your hands which is always a good thing in photos.

Gone are the days of chalkboards and other similar "props". Instead, opt for a cozy blanket, a campfire, bouquet, etc. If you have a motorcycle or vintage car or truck, bring it!

Hair & Makeup

Should you get professional hair and makeup? It’s NOT necessary whatsoever, but if you want your hair and makeup done, then definitely do it.

The most important thing is that you FEEL confident and beautiful. Just make sure that you tell the hair and makeup artist to go natural and light, because we want you to still LOOK like you!

Don't over do it or go too heavy on the makeup if that is not something you normally do.

Pro Tips:

- Anything that can show movement or catch the wind is a big fat YES. The movement of dresses, skirts, or scarves add so much energy and beauty to your images.

- As much as we all love our Apple watch (or any watch for that matter) take them off for your photographs.